Mission Beach Block 221 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 221 CARD 1.tif MISSION BEACH m.ocK 221 ~ CARD #1 ~3 Lot A- Permit to Doris E, Crofton- res, SB 10' Vanitie Ct. Res. 58695 7-25-32 Lot E- Permit DENIED to F.V. Stall, zone suspension to allow a restaurant at 728 Tulon Ct. 2-21-34 Lots E & F- Permit to Pastore Commercial Enterprises to const sin fam dwell obs 10' SB from Toulon Ct. where 15' is req on north side of Toulon Ct., NE cor of Ocean Front Walk, Zone R-4, condl c-6184 1-6-64 Lots E & F- Permit to Pastore Commercial Enterprises to const sin ram dwell with carport under with one supporting post obs 3' side yd where 4 1 is req (C-6184) on North side Toulon Ct., NE cor Toulon ct. & Ocean Front Walk, Zone R-4, condl c-6446 5-6-64 Lots E & F- Permit to Dr. Dwight Oates to constr tnird story rumpus room addn to exist two-story sin fam dwell; dwell now obs 10' front yd and addn to obs 10' front yd on Toulon Court wnere 15' is req; at 702 Toulon Court betw Ocean Front Walk and Strandway. Zone R-4. cond'l. C-11012 1-19-72------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------