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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 20 Card 3

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 20 CARD 3.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 20 0011-5/-,S.CARDf/3 Lot O- The Z.A. has considered the req of Clarine Smith to (1) c?;r:wst:. 21'-4" x 21'-6" second unit addn on top of exist~garage attached to exist.iillg sin fam dwell-; addn to obs 9'-6" rear yard where 10' is req (2) existiia!;- sin fam dwell~ presently covers 55% (Permitted by C-7436) addn will result in 57% coverage where max4.aaam 50% is perm~d and (3) provide two parking spaces where three are req, at 722 Avalon Ct., Betwn Mission Blvd., and Strandway, Zone R-2B, and has AMENDED said appl. and APPROVED as follows: (1) to constrlj81 21'-4" x 21 1-6" rear yard where lO' is required (2) exist- sin fam dwell-.-presently covers 55% addn will result in 57% cov I ge where 50% is permicl;:ed- Cond'l. ~-12,726 7-19-74-- Lot J- Permit to Richards. Mitchell to constr 2nd story apt unit on top of exist sin fam dwell, resulting 1n 63'1, cov where 5