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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 18

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 18.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 18 00/ C,6 / S Lot B, exc N'.cy 26.25 1, all. Lots C & D ~ The Z.A. considered the request of Dwain Kantor to constr 3 unit a.ddn to exist sin famdwell; a.ddn to obs at. closest point a 7'-6" SB on Bay- side Walk where 10' is estab, a. 3'-411 street side yard on Avalon Court where 15' is req and to provide 6 parking spaces, two to obs O' front yard on Bayside Lane where 2 1 is 'l"El,q; prop located betw Bayside Lane and Bayside Walk e.nd adj to Avalon Court, Zone R-213 and has DENIED as req, but APPROVED, per revised plans, with balcony only obs 7 1-611 SB a.long Bayside Walk, balcoey only obs 31-411 street side yard along Ave.l.on Court, e.nd 3 parking spaces obs O' front yard along Bayside Lane. Cond'l. c-13132 Lots A & B- Christopher D. Sickels. 2741 Bayside Lane. Zone R-2B. C-15331. Withdrawn. Variance not necessary. 7/25/78,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------