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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 174 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 174 CARD 1.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 174 CMD#/~ Lot D- Conell Pe:nnit to Chas. N. & Vera Greusel to constr 2-story duplex obs O' setbac (10' req); 3409 Ocean Front Walk; R-4. Case No. 1867 5-23-58------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot E- Permit to Clifford F. & Carol Ward & Cli:f':f'ord J. Ward, M.D. to (l) enlarge exist playroom addn to sin:f'am dwell on same lot with duplex; playroom obs O' front yard on Strandway and O' street side yard on Santa Clara Place where 15 ':f'ront yard and 10' street side yard are required (2) maintain exist 9' hi wall obs O' street side yard on Santa Clara Pl.ace where 1.0 1 street side yard is req, at 3701. Ocean Front Walk, NE cor Santa Cl.ara Place and Ocean Front Wal.k.Zone R-4. C-1.2866 1.1-1.1.-74 Lot C- Pennit DENIED by ZA to GIORA GEORGE ANGRES to construct second-story addition to existing one-story nonconforming single-family dwelling, with: (1) decks and architectural, projection to observe 0 1 street side yard on Ocean Front Walk where 10 1 is required (existing observes 0 1 street side yard); (2) to permit a 9 1 X 9 1 X 15 1 projection to observe a o0 angle where 45 angle is required beginning 20 1 above grade;. (3) decks to observe a 0 1-911 front yard on Portsmouth Court where 10 1 is required; (4) to provide 81 sq. ft, or 5"/o landscaping where 927 sq. ft. or 100"/4 is required; (5) to result in 80"/o lot coverage where maximum 65% is permitted; and, (6) to observe a 0 1 r-earya-rdwhere 3~ fs required 'when rear yard abuts an interior yard of an adjacent Jot, at 3715 and 3717 Ocean Front Walk, Zone NC-N (MISSION BEACH PLANNED DISTRICT}. C-17876 1-14-83