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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 173

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 173.tif NlS,SIOlf BIACB....__._.. BL0ClC lJ3-_-_)..0 Lot C--Pe~it to Mu & Ruby Oood;in, One:,._ ~ Qu~~1;1Dft, and Biilla B, 'l'bcmeoo, Purcll, to conatr tvo-atory, tour-unit apt blclg provicUog requtrea parkiag@apacea in frollt on Stranhay: (1) Parking to oba O' fr yd vbere 15' 1 req (2) reaultilig in ~ cov vbere 5~ 1 pera (3) eliminating req 138 aq, ft. of 1.an4acaping (') bldg to oba 12' aetback on Stran41nl wore 15' setback ii req (5} provide a 20' turoarouml vilere 21' 18 req; Ocean:rront Walk betv Oatea4,Court and Santa Clara Place. Zone R4. co111Utiona. c-10756 9-24-n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot A- AGREEMENT with ALFONSO L. & CAROL FILIPPONI to maintain as constructed a 3/4 bath in the rear area of the dwelling which is used as a storage area and has only outside access and a bar sink located between the living room and a bedroom which has both interior and exterior access, at 3695 Ocean Front Walk, Map 1651 & 1809, NC-S zone. Agree# 3991 5/6/88