Mission Beach Block 172
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 172.tif!,.,,r" MlSSlON BEACH BLOCK 172 ' Lot J- Permit to Dr. Thomas s. Wnitelock to erect sleeping qtrs over an exist gar with an 8 1 rear yd at 714 Oste'ti Ct. Res. 1201 11-23-45-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.,....,,,Lot G- Permit to.Mrs. Verna G.Kelly, to const apt over exist gar, 8 1 rear yd, 5i over- cover, apt to obs req rear yd, 728 Ostend Ct. Res. 4958 9-6-50 Lot G- Permit to Juanita R. Bruna to const apt over exist detached 2 car gar whicb. obs 81 1./ rear yd (10' req) apt to be att to exist sin fam res & obs 10' rear yd, addn making 65.~ cover (501'> perm) 728 Ostend ct., R-4, condl C-3901 3-3-61 Lot A- Permit to City of S.D., own & Young Peoples Alano Club, lessee to recovery facility located on the west side of Mission Blvd., Sly of Santa in the R-4 zone. CUP C-7551 AMENDED 4-22-66 oper an alcoholic Clara Pl., 2-23-66 Lot A- Permit to Young People's Alano Club, a non-profit org., lessee to operate & maint an alcoholic recovery facility located on the west side of Mission Blvd., Sly of Santa Clara Place, R-4 zone. CUP C-201 PC 3-24-69