Mission Beach Block 168 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 168 CARD 1.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 168 Lot K- Permit to Lee Ramage to constr duplex with 3' court as access to street, 828 Ormond Ct. Res. 1371 2-28-46 Lot N- Permit to Harvey A. Kern to const 3 liv units on lot with 3' access ct to rear unit north side of Ormond Ct., 100' east of Mission Blvd. Res. 2462 8-27-47 Lot J- Permit to Mrs. Thomas Gwynne to alter exist gar to 3rd liv unit, 832 OFmond Ct., with a 6' access court. Res. 3184 6-2-48 Lot G- Permit to John J. Frazer to const 2 story duplex at rear of lot behind exist sin fam res, to be served by 3' access court, S side of Ostend Ct., betw,Mission Blvd. & Bayside Ln, condl Res. 3326 7-28-48 Lot N- Permit DENIED to Byron Christie to conv exist gar to liv quar for owner, makillg 4 units on lot with 1 unit having 4' access, 816 Ormond Ct. Lot N- CC referred appeal of ABOVE back to z.c. Z.A. decision sustained Res. 6137 1-23-52 CC-105422 2-13-5~------------------------------------------------------------.-----------------------