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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 162

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 162.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 162 Lot B- Permit to Miss Myrtle Anderson to build res w/6 1 setback; 36oo Blk on Bayside Walk, Res. 1436 3-29-46 L~t-E-:-p;~~it-t~-N~rth-Sh~r~s:-Ltd:-Part~~rship-1AS-AMENDEDJ-to-constr-~=story:-4=unil____,/condominium; (I) obs 4' interior side yd where 5' is req; (2) prov 6 off-street parking spaces with 3 spaces obs 5' front yd on Bayside Lane where 15' is req, and I space obs O' street side yd on Niantic Ct. where I' is req; & (3) eliminating req landscaping area adj Bayside Lane where no Jess than 40/o of the total front yd area must be landscaped, NW cor. Niantic Court & Bayside Walk, Zone R-4. Condi. C-11045 2-25-72----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot A- Permit to Ralph A. Thompson, et al., to const 5 unit three story apt. with 5' front yd and 5 1 interior side yd with 4 pking spaces in tandem at 3644 Bayside Walk, Zone R-4. C-14014. 2-8-77, c2,.,,,,..~..t:...L /-/6-7.?---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~------------ Lo-t--0-.- Permit to Thomas & Ellen Craig to encl exist porch which obs 7 18" front yd where 10 I req APPROVEO'; (~r fllQVe__ ~xist gttr to obs 11 frontyd on Bayside Ln & 1 1 int s ideyd where,15 1 frontyd & 4 1 sideyd are req D-Et+Hill but 3' setback APPROVED; (3) total lot cov 60% where 50% perm APPROVED, cond'l, 3633 Bayside Lane, Zone R-4. C-13323 10-23-75.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot D- Permit DENIED to Russell Reit to const 2nd & 3rd story addit to exist non-conf sing fam dwelling. C-15205 9126/78