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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 161

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 161.tif MlSSION BEACH. Lot D- Permit DENIED to Eddie v. Crawford to conduct a real estate office & maint a 2' x 5' real estate advert sign on the rear fence at 838 San Juan Pl. Res. 794 12-21-44 Lot D- City Council sustained the dee of the above req Res. 80462 1-16-45 Lot A- Permit DENIED to L.P. Hunnable to build a concrete blk wall for a patio to a max hgt of 5' out to p.l. on Bayside Wk at Niantic Ct. Res. 1519 4-25-46 Lot B- Permit to 0.B. & Edith Peavey to remove exist shed att to gar & bld bdrm addn to the gar to have 0' side yd the addn to have 3' side yd at 3614 Bayside Wk. C-216 3-30-55 Lot A- Permit to Rodney L. B. & Joanna P. Smith to constr a duplex (1) obs an 8 1 street side yard on Niantic Ct. where 10' is req & obs a 9' front yd on Bayside Lane where 15' is req. (existing garage obs a l'-4" front yd on Bayside Lane); (2) replace gates in exist 50, high~walt on Bayside Walk & Niantic Ct. obs a 0 1 front yd & a 0 1 street side yard where a maximum 3' hi fence or wall is perm in req 10' yards; (3) eliminate req landscaping on Bayside Lane where no less than 40% of frontage is req. at 3620-4 Baysie Walk, Zone R-4. (1) DENIED 8 1 st side yd on Niantic Court; APPROVED 9' front yd on Bayside Lane; (2) DENIED; (3) APPROVED with conditions. C-13,776 8-6-76-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------