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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 153 Card 2

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 153 CARD 2.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 153- CARD #2 l't Lot A- Permit DENIED by ZA to Madison Square Partnership to construct a 3-story, 2-unit building (I) to observe a 12 1611 setback on Nantasket Court with architectural projections observing a 10 1611 setback where 15 1 is required; (2) to observe a 3' interior side yard with architectural projection observing a 11 interior side yard with greenhouse windows observing 2 1 where 5~ is required; (3) to provide an additional setback beginning 20' above grade and sloping back at a 45 degree angle but measured at 12 1611 setback only on the western portion of the structure on Nantasket Court where 15 1 is required; (4) to provide 1,021 sq. ft. of landscaping where 1,226 sq. ft. is required, at 827-829 Nantasket Court, Zone R-S (MBPD). Lot B- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Coastal Development Permit to R. MICHAEL PACK to demolish and replace a residential duplex Coastal Development located at 3562 and 3564 Bayside Walk, Map 1651, MBPD-RS Zone. CDP #89-0612 9-15-89