Mission Beach Block 13 Card 3
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 13 CARD 3.tif ooit.61-S '8 MISSION BEACH BLOCK 13 CARD #3. Lot E- Permit of the AMENDED req of Henrietta M. and John. E. Drumoned, Sr., to const. a balcony and enclose stairwell on exist duplex that is being converted to a single family dwell; balcony to lbs 3' interior side yard where 4' os req; exist bldg covers 48% of lot and addn to result in 54% cov where 40% is perm. at 2673 Ocean Front Walk betw San Luis Rey and Asbury, Zone R-2. APPROVED AS AMENDED C-11641 12-4-72 Lot C- Permit to William B. and Sally Y. McMahon to contruct a den and entry add. to one unit of an existing 3 unit complex and provide 3 off-street parking spaces where 6 are required, at 3312-3314 Bayside Walk, Zone RS. (MISSION BEACH PLANNED DISTRICT). NO VARIANCE NECESSARY. C-17219 Lot F- ZA DENIED amendment to a vaEcance request of BEN AND ILENE CELNIKER to (1) maintain a 6 1-8" high, solid fence within the yard adj. to Asbury Court and within the public ROW where a max. height of 3' is permitted, but APPROVED request to (2) maintain a parking space within the yard adj. to Asbury Court, located at 704 Asbury Court, R-S Zone, Mission Beach Planned District. Conditions. C-16881 6/29/92 NH BZA SUSTAINED AND AFFIRMED decision of the ZA to deny request No. 1 and APPROVE request No. 2. Conditions. C-16681 9/16/92----------------------------------------------------------------------------