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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 120

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 120.tif MISSION BEACR BLOCK Lot F- Permit td W. H. Mann to move & operate apt over garage, 2.16' from siak lot line; Zone R-4; Kennebec Ct. Res. No. 654o5 1-19-37 Lot D- Permit to Wm. Kucher to constr bath addn on 2nd story of duplex in rear; 8o9 Kingston Ct; Condl. Res. No. 3693 2-9-49------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot F- Permit to Keith B. & Baraara A. Yetter to const a three-story four-unit apt bldg to obs a 15' rear yd. Bldg. will have a max height of 30' at 820 Kennebeck Court. R-4 Zone. Cond It Ion. C-14569 NH. 8-10-77.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------