Mission Beach Block 118 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 118 CARD 1.tif CARD /fl Lot B- Permit to Stuart o. & Altha Asnenberg to const sin fam res witn 3' SB from Strand- way where 15' is req, Ocean Front Wk, betw Kennebeck & Kingston Cts. Res. 8233 6-9-54 Lot B- Permit to Stuart Ashenberg, own & Alfred & Eliz. MacPnail, pur to const apt over exist gar & stairway, covering prop 59'1, (5o,; perm) at 3363 Ocean Front Wk, R-4. 6 mos ext 11-13-57 C-1164 5-6-57 Lot D- Permit to Sadie Frucht, own & R.C. Herman & L.W. Coffeey, purch to const 6 unit apt bldg covering approx 72'(. of lot where 6o,; cover is perm; witn parking area 4 16 11 from prop line along Stl.andway, wnere no parking is perm within 20' of curb line & in no event within less than 3' of prop line, on Strandway, at NW cor of Kenbebeck ct. & Strandway, Zone R-4, condl c-6142 & 43 12-16-63 (': Lot A- Pmrmit as amended to Leonard & Joanetta Pritcnard to constr a second story, one-unit addn to exist sin fam dwell;;exist res now observes, and addn to observe 3' front yard on Strandway, wnere 15' is req; at 3365 Ocean Front Walk betw Kingston Court and Kennebeck:~'::::_~~~~-~=~:__:~~~::_~_~./4./J..z....._______________:::~:~~-----------==~==~---- Lot C- permit to Karen S. DeGroote to (I) convert nonconform dwel to 2 units; (2) dwel obs O' frnt yd on Strandway & 3' int side yd; (3) add' l park to obs O' frnt yd on Straad- way, at 3361 Ocean Front Walk, Zone R-4 C-12789 9/19/74------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------