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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 117 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 117 CARD 1.tif f MISSION BEACH BLOCK 117 Card Ill,,. ~\(Lot B- Fermi t to Mr. & Mrs. Lee Tompkins to cons tr 2-story addn to & remodel ground f'lr of' exist 2-story bldg, making total of 2 uni ts & covering approx 64 <.' of' lot where 50 <.' coverage is perm; 4'-' of the overcoverage due to arch proj on front of' bldg above 1st flr; 3339 Ocean Front Walk; Zone R-4; Condl. Case No. 4993 7-5-62-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot C- Permit to Louis & Elizabeth Sands to const a 4 unit apt bldg providing req parking spaces in front on Strandway; (1) parking to obs O' front yd where 3' from property line and 18 1 fromcurb line is req; (2) resulting in 5~ cover where 5~ is perm; (3) eliminating req landscaping at 3300 blk of' Ocean Front Wk betw Kennebeck St. & Jersey Ct., Zone R-4. C-9767 N.H. 3-9-70 Lot D- ZA considered request of DAVID COPLEY- (1) to constr. 3-story, single-fam. dwelling portion of which observes a 13'6" court yd. where 15' is reqd; (2) to maintain approx. 46' of fence ranging in height from 4 1 to 6 1 & (3) to maintain two off-street parking spaces within the reqd. 15' court yard observing at closest point a O' court yard at 702 Jersey Ct., Zone R-S, has DENIED AS REQUESTED, but APPROVED for one parking space observing a 7 1 611 court yard where a 15' court yd. is reqd & a 4 1 hi gateway frame in the reqd. court yd. where a 3' fence or gate is the max. height permitted, subj to conds. C-18911 8/23/85 APPEALED TO BZA on 10/2/85, BZA GRANTES appeal & therefore, MODIFIES decision of the ZA & APPROVES request to maintain two off-street parking spaces within the reqd. 15' court yard observing at closest point a 0 1 court yard subj to conds.