Mission Beach Block 100 Card 2
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 100 CARD 2.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 100 Card No. Lot A- Permit to Mary N. Gilham, aka Mary N. Arnold, Owner, & Edwin V. & Rita Harris & Melvin H. & Ernie Lou Gorham, Purchasers, to constr 5-unit apt house w/carports result in J 66~ coverage where max 001, coverage is perm on Isthmus Ct, betw Mission Blvd & Island Ct; Zone R-4. Case No. 8567 4-12-68---------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------. Lot G- Permit to Geo. R. & Frances. Sewell to constr 2nd flr addn w/balcony to exist. '-- 3-unit, 2-story apt bldg; balcony to obs 12' front yd where 15' req & result in approx 59~ coverage where 50~ perm; 729 Isthmus Ct betw Strandway & Mission Blvd; Zone R-4. AMENDED ll-26-69 Case No. 9574 11-13-69 Lot K- z.A. considered appl of Russell E. & Lola Hill to constr 6 unit apt compelx obs 12' front yd on IsthmUs Ct. where 15' is req, 4 1 interior side yd where 5' is req & result in 611, cover where 6