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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 10 Card 4

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 10 CARD 4.tif MISSION BE:ACH BLOCK 10 Lot Q- ZA considered the request of ROBERT & JAMES KUHLKEN- to remodel an existing 2-story *duplex to result in a 3-story duplex; 1) garage to observe a 7' court yd where a 15' court yd is reqd on Asbury Ct.; 2) 2nd-story to observe a 0' court yd. where a 15' court yd is reqd. on Asbury Court; 3) facade not observing additional setback reqd. for structures exceeding 20 1 above grade on the south side of a court; 4) second-story deck to observe 14' court yd. where a 15' court yd is reqd. (existing 1st-story observes 14'0" front yd); 5) one parking space to observe a 10' court yd where a 15 1 court yd is reqd; 6) one parking space providing a 20' turning radius where a 21' turning radius is required; 7) to provide 3 parking spaces where four parking spaces are required; & 8) to provide 45 sq. ft. of landscaping where 450 sq. ft. of landscaping is reqd. at 810 & 812 Allerton Court, Zone R-5, & has APPROVED as proposed Items #1,4,5,6, 7 & 8, APPROVED 2nd-story to observe a 5' court yd. where 15 1 court yd. is reqd. on Asbury Court, DENIED the facade not observing additional setback requirement for structures exceeding 20' above grade on the south side of the court, with conds. C-18876 7/29/85 *APPEALED to BZA on 9/4/85- BZA GRANTSappeal of ROBERT AND JAMES KUHLKEN, &, therefore, MODIFIES THE decision of the ZA to APPROVE request as follows: retain the approveal of Items #1,4,5,6,7 & 8 & approve a second-story to observe a J 1611 court yed. where a 15' court yard is required on Asbury Court, DENIED the facade not observing additional setback require- ment for structures exceeding 20' above grade on the south side of the court, subj to conds. C-18876 9/4/85