Mission Bay Park Tract Block 31 Card 1
MISSION BAY PARK TRACT BLOCK 31 CARD 1.tif MISSION BA? PARK TRACT BLOCK 31 Cardlfil Lots 12 & 22- Permit granted to Pearl J. Parker to construct an auto court, under pro- visions of Ord. 12~03 said court to consist of not to exceed 20 units, required SB to be maintained at Atlantic St. & Grand Ave. Res. 6281!-0 3-27-35 Lots 12, 13 & 22, near intersec. of Grand Ave. & Pacific Hwy- Permit to C.A. McMurray Pacific Beach P.O. to conduct an auto court & an auto trailer camp, condl Res. 654,8 2-2-37 Lots 15 & 16- Granted to Eban B. McGregor, to construct an auto court of 11 units on Pacific Hwy near Balboa Ave. Res. 72769 11-26-40 Res. 72769 amended by Res. 72916 12-17-40 for 16 units in place of 11 units. Lots 20 & 21- DENIED permission to C.G. Brabazon, own & Victor w. Mills, lessee to erect &operate 10 addnl trailer spaces to be added to an existing trailer park on adjoi~ ing property. Res. 1678 Res. of Prop Use 1677 8-1-46 Lots 15 & 16- Permit to J~nn w. Allen to construct & operate 15 unit motel & manager's apt, west side of Pacific Hwy, south of Balboa. Res. 2553 10-8-47 Lots 7-12- Permit to W,F, Pitzer, own of Southward Ho Motel, to const dining room & kitchen add to exist motel add to have O' side yd 6654 Pacific Hwy Res. 8210 5-26-54---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 26- Permit to RAY & AURORA SEGUR ITAN, at 2720 FIGUEROA BI vd. "E" (A-e) cou Id not be considered, must go to Planning Commission. Refunded, C-17446