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Development Services

Mirador #3 Card 3

MIRADOR #3 CARD 3.tif MIRADOR #3 Lot 611- Permit DENIED to Janet and Harold Schwartz to erect 480 sq. ft. patio for exist sin fam dwell; addn to result in 47i coverage, where max 4oi is pe:ra, at 8191 Calle del Humo betwn Avenida del Gato and Santa Arminta in the R-1-5 Zone-~-f~,.z:-~z~__ ,{..i:.,Jtl~5':~~Zl--------~===~~=-----------------~=~:::______ Lot 449- file Z.A. has considered the req of Elmer and Flora Bacoy to (l) construct a, l.2' x 20' rumpus room addn to existing sin fam dwell; addn to obs a 12' rear yard where 1 20' is req; (2) erect 40' of grape stake fence 6 1 high obs a O' street side yard on Galli Jalapa where a max 3' high fence is perm in a 10' street side yard and a 151 street side yard within the rear 20 1 when rear property line adjoins side property line of adJoiniRg lot, at 8195 Santa Arminta Avenue betwn the southwest cor or Santa Arminta Avenue and Calle Jalapa, Zone R-1-5 and has made the,.f'ollowing decision (1) APPROVED: (2) DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a 5' high fence observing the same setback as the existing fence- Cond'l. C-12,226 Lot 660- Permit to Edward and Nancy Batchelor to constr 14 1 x 25' f'am room and bath addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs an 18 1-611 rear yard where 20' is req, at 8120 Los Sabalos St., betw Avenida Del Gato and end of street. Zone R-l-5. C-12503 N.H. 3-22-74--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------