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Mirador #3 Card 1

MIRADOR #3 CARD 1.tif ' = ~ Ponit lmlm) to,... ~-~=~-=~~..... 35' ot ~~ == raragiag in beigbt froa 3 '6" to 5' obs O' street iclqd on Ca1le del BUIIO, vbere a ax 3' bigb fence ia perm. in a 10' 1treet aicleyd at 11431 Avenue clel Oeto Betw Calle clel BUiio and Calle lueva ill tbe ~l-5 Zone. C-11127 .B. 3-16-72 t~t-6Ci9-:-ie;,;rt~-~.;;ri-i-.;;v:;;.i;;ato-.i.itara-u;;1;t;-nfib-;oiri-vooa fence approx 47' long oba O' atrett aide;yard OD Ded&Place aa4 erect 20' ~ 5' b1gb solid. wood fence oba a 0' 1treet aicle)'erd Wbere a-.x 3' bigb fence ia perm in a 10' street s1cle;yard; at 8171 Calle del Buao betw Dedo Pl.ace and Banta Ara1nta. Zone R-l-5, C-11156 B.B. 3-3072---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 6o4- Al30VE APPEALED to Board ot Zoning Appeals- Appeal DDDD and tbe decision of the!oning Administrator be, and hereby is, suatainecl and affirmed. c-11127 5-1-12-------------------------------,------------------------------------------------------- Lot 574- Permit to Bernice c. Williams on tne amended request to maintain approx 30' of 6 1 nign solid wood fence obs at closest point O' street side yard on Avenida Del Gato wnere 10' is req, at 8140 Calle Nueva. Zone R-1-5. C-11592 N.H. 10-18-72 Lot-605:;.s;;:i:i.:;;;;;;q-;{-J-;ii~-;-j;s~hin";-p;;j;n--t-;-;;;;t--a-p-p-..--;;551--;ts-;l-td-- wood fence 6 1 hi obs O' St side yd on Dedo Pl where max 3' hi fence Is perm in 10' St. side yd at 8161 Calle Del ttamo betw Dedo Pl. & Avenida Del Cato, Zone R-1-5 & DENIED as sub. but APPROVED approx 45' of6' hi solid wood fence obs 0 1 St side yd adjoining Dedo Pl. C-11702 N.H. 12-12-72