Mirador #2 Card 4
MIRADOR #2 CARD 4.tif MIRADOR #2 5 Lot 310- Permit to Carl & Anna Benavidez to const 20 1 611 x 20'6" fam rm addn to exist sinfam dwell; addn to obs at closest pt 81611 rear yard where 20' req, 11304 Trebol St, Zone R-1-5, DENIED. c-13356 11-19-75---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 264- Permit to Fred S. & Kathy L. Hanvnill to erect approx 61' of 6 1 high solid fence to obs a. 2.' st sd yd on Torero Place at 11179 Zapata P.ivenue. Zone R-1-5. C-14254.NH. 3-22-77. i:Zcnd,f-,0,1,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 286- TABLED- John P & Kum Sum Murdock to constr add resulting in 47% lot cov, 11312 Camino Ruiz, Zone R-1-5 C-15480 10/13/78 Lot 288- hr'.mit to Hark & Jan Ebert at 11328 Camino Ruiz, Zone R-1-5, to maintain max 4'7" high wall and wrought Iron fence ob-s a 10' front yard and a 3 1 511 to 3 18-1/2" high wall on side line obs a O' front yerd. Condit. C-16216 7/31/79-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 420- ZA APPROVED request for a variance of CHUNG D. AND MINTH T. DAO to maintain and complete construction of a one-story addition to an existing, two-story single-family dwelling; said addition observing a 13'-0" front yard at the closest point where 15'-0" is required, located at 11144 Avenida del Gato, in the Rl-5000 Zone. C-20572 4/2/91