Mira Mesa Missiion Chapel Card 1
MIRA MESA MISSIION CHAPEL CARD 1.tif HIAA MESA Hl$S10N CHAPEL 2.."1t..-17Z1. M-~-~. CARD #I Lot I- Pennit was considered by AZA to CHRIST THE CORNERSTONE LUTHERAN CHURCH (SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT LUTHERAN CHURCH) to construct a two-story detached classroom addition to an existing preschool and elementary school with extended day care on lot with an existing church facility and increase the enrollment from 165 to 265 students, increase the grade level from 3rd grade to 6th grade by adding one grade a year. (Current enroll- ment is 165 students, ages 3 years through 3rd grade, Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p,m.), located at 9028 Westmore Road, Zone A-1-1. DECISION: DENiED as requested, but APPROVED construction of a two-story detached classroom addition to an existing preschool, and elementary school with extended day care on lot with an existing church' facility and increase the enrollment from 165 to 230 students, increase the grade level from 3rd grade to 6th grade by adding one grade a year. Conditions, ~ ~_ J- f Lf CUP 17968 6-10-83 'I