Middletown Block 95 Card 1
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 95 CARD 1.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 95 Sly Lot 7- Land Conservation Permit to c. L, Faber for single-family,house on portion of vacated Nutmeg St. Map 4134-R 128-LC 8-14-74 Sly Lot 7- Permit to C, L. Faber to constr two-story sin fam dwell obs a 2' front yard where 15' is req; provide 35 sq. ft. of' landscaping where min of 4oa/, of front yard must be landscaped (24o sq. ft.), at intersection of Nutmeg, Zone R-2A, Cond'l, c-12803 9-18-7~ Lot 4 and por. State St. closed adjacent- Permit to Valerie W. Goodpaster to const a ret wall approx 8 1 hi in 15' req front yd sb at 2735 State St., Zone R-2A. C-14541 N.H. 7/26/77 Lot 5, 6 & 7- Permit APPROVED by ZA to O.M. State Street Ltd., to construct a three- story, 12-unit condominium, (I) observing at the closest point a 7' rear yard where 18' is required, (2) to erect approximately 80' of retaining walls ranging in height from 3'- to 13'6" in the required 15 1 front yard where a maximum 3 high wall is permitted and approximately 35' of retaining wall ranging in height from 10 1 to 16 1 observing required yards where maximum 10' high walls are permitted, at E side State Street, between Nutmeg and Olive Streets, Zone R-2A/HR Conditions. C-16813 7-18-80