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Development Services

Middletown Block 89

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 89.tif MIDDLE:l'OWN BLOCK 89 Lot 12- Permit to Tom Hester to constr lithograph studio, SW corner Nutmeg & India Sta, w/peaJt of roof proj approx ll' above airport turning zone plane. Res. 582 4-27-44 Lots ll & 12- Permit to Tom Hester to constr addn to exist lithograph studio, SW corner Nutmeg & India Sta, peaJt of roof 4' above airport turning zone plane. Res. 776 12-7-44------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------------S Lot 8- Permit DENIED Eugene & Irene Cardani to erect addn to exist res w/noncon- forming side yds; 2622 India St. Res, 2810 l-28-48