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Middletown Block 51 Card 2

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 51 CARD 2.tif MIDDLETOWN Lots 1, 10, 11, 12-Te permit the other automobile parts, excluding CA Zone.-, '-- r BLOCK 51 repair and refinishing.of automobile bumpers and various engine and frame components as <-,a permitted use in the P.c. Reso #179 12-20-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ots 13 & 14- Permit to Marie C. Addario and Michael s. Snowden to const a garage addn to xs sfd, garage to obs a O' front yard and have access via recorded easement over Lot 15. \.__~~~:-~~==~~~=~-==~::::__ ~:~::_~~~=:~~~~:--=~~~~:~~~:__::~:~:~:__::~~=:~:___________________,