Middletown Block 43
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 43.tif r ~I MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 43------ Lots l & 2- Permit to Angelo D'Angelo, Owner, & Alfred T. Jones, Inc,, Lessee, to have light mfg & whlsle of paper products, w/max 10 H.P.; 1953-55 India St, Res. 7388 5-13-53 Lots 11- 12- John W. Mott to convert bldg from a boarding & lodging house back to single fam dwell. Agreement 159 2-5-42 Lots 21-24- ZA APPROVED request of (Amendment) WILLIAM B. & THEA L. WEEDMAND & ROSE GARDUNO to Case No. 353, which permitted construction of two living units \o observe a 10 1 setback on Guy St. located at 1553 & 1563 Guy St., Zone R-3000, the applicant requests amendment to constr. 2-story, 635 sq. ft, addn. between two exisitng 763. sq. ft. I iving units to observe a 10 1 setback on Guy St. where a 15 1 front yd is reqd; with conds. C-353 10/18/85