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Middletown Block 293

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 293.tif MIDDLETOWN Block 293 Lo.ts. i.,2,3- Co. of S-. 0.- to maintain add t-o- exist bldg w/5' S-8-,-Sf.--eef'--PaeHwy & Ash, Cond.. Res 6398................ 4/16/52 ABOVE- AGREEMENT #767 for same 7/28/52 Lot 6- Travelodge Corp- to remove exist 5' x 12' dbl-face ID sign & replace w/5' x 12' dbl-face ID sign, edge of sign to encroach 61 Into 6 1 st widening SB, 1305 Pac Coast Hwy AGREE #1483 6/20/67. ,