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Development Services

Middletown Block 202 Card 1

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 202 CARD 1.tif MIDDLNI'OWN Lot_7.- Permit to Andrew Jackson- Ord. 1299() suspended to allow duplex; R-1; 4066 Ibis St. Res. 57693 12-14-31 (Setback 5' from PL- Res. 57694- 12-14-31) Lot 10- Single fam res, 5' back on W, Calif. St, 1900 Blk, submitted by J. H. Rickor, No action (Pet. held for reference) 6-6-39 Lot 6- SW Bo- To conduct an auto court of 4-units at La Jolla Ave & Noell St; Granted R. C. Dallenbach. Res. 73227 1-28-41 Lot 6- S Bo- (Ord. 12321) suspended to allow garages back 2' from La Jolla Ave, w/apts above to front PL, w/3' side yds; Granted G. R. Dallenbach. Res. 73225 1-28-41 SWly So Lot 6- Permit to G. R. Dallenbach for 4-unit auto court, at La Jolla Ave & Noell St. Res. 73227 1-28-41 Lot l & St closed adj- Permit to Leona Baylor Brooking to constr 2 apt bldgs (9 units) making 13 units on lot, exist 2 duplexes obs 0' side yd for stairway (4' req), 6' rear / yd (10' req) & 2 units served by 6 1 access ct (12' req); proposed 2 bldgs obsv O' setback (average blk approx 3' req); at 1942-48 S.D. Ave; Zone R-4. Ext. 6 mos.- 6-2-6o- 12-4-59 Final Ext. to expire 6-2-61 Case Nos. 2521 & 2522 6-2-59--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------