Middletown Block 176 Card 2
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 176 CARD 2.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 176 ~~~-~ Lots 5 to 9- Lot Tie Agreement to Raoul Marquis for the purpose of removing a single-family dwelling and storage facility and install 11 parking spaces on Lot 8 and 8 parking spaces on Lots 6 an 7, with access off Winder Street to serve commercial and residential develop- ment, at 3708-10-12 Columbia Street, Zone R-1000. LTC- 37 4/23/86 Lots 5 & 6- Tabled at the 4/3/87 hearing, case wan continued to an office hearing; have not received any notice to proceed or withdraw; notified 8/1/88 that if no word by 8/15/88 permit application would be tabled. Sidewalk Cafe Permit 87-0113 9/6/88 Lot 1- The Planning Director's Representative DENIED as requested the request of RAOUL MARQUOIS, OWNER: HENRY RABINOWITZ, LESSEE (GELATO VERO) to maintain a sidewlak cafe (Gelato Vero) that encroaches into the public right-of-way where such use is permitted by a Sidewalk Cafe Permit only, but APPROVED subject to conditions (per Variance folder on file in Zoning Administration) located at 3753 India Street, C zone, Airport Approach Overlay Zone, Uptown Emergency Ordinance Area. Sidewalk Cafe Permit 88-0178 12/9/88