Middletown Block 171
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 171.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 171 ,a. Lot9 7 & 8- BZA considered the amended appeal of SOUTHWEST CONCEPTS from the PARTIAL DENIAL by the Zoning Administrator of their request to constr. a 3-story condo complex 1) balcony to observe an 11' front yd on Kalmia St. where 15' is reqd; 2) a 6 1 street side yd at closest point on Curlew St. where 10' is reqd (Lot 7); 3) REQUEST WITHDRAWN: 4) building to observe a 7' front yd on Curlew St. where 15' is reqd (Lot 8); 5) REQUEST PARTIALLY WITHDRAWN) eaves observing a 11 611 setback where 2 1 611 is reqd {Lot 8); 6) bldg to observe a 10 1 rear yd, stairs observing an 8 1 rear yd, & balcony observing a 4 1 rear yard where 15 1 is reqd. (Lot 8; 7) three driveways off Curlew St. with 6 1 between them where 45' is reqd; 8) a 2-car garge off Kalmia St. where 3 off-street parking spaces are reqd. at 508 West Kalmia St., Zone R-600 & after consideration has overturned and MODIFIED the decision of the ZA, APPROVING: 1) balconh to observe an II' front yd. on Kalmia St. where 15' is reqd; 2) to observe a 10 1 front yd on Kalmia St. where 15' is reqd (Lot 8; & 3) to observe varying rear yard on Lot 8; beginning at the sly. unit to observe a 7' rear yd; the next adjacent unit going north to observe a 12' rear yd and the most northerly unit to observe an 18 1 rear yd. (these yds were based on a 3-story structure); subj to conds. C-18696 4/17 /85