Middletown Block 165
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 165.tif MIDDLErOWN BLOCK 165 Lot 2- Permit to Grace E. Nitsche, 4136- 34th St, to erect private gar not closer than 4 1 to the PL on Columbia St. Res. 65052 10-20-36 Lots 2 & 11- Permit to Mrs. L.B. Niles to constr 12' x 29' sun porch & elevator over exist gar w/8 1 setback; 3685 Columbia. Res. 7202 3-4-53 SE 10' Lot 5 & all Lot 6- Permit to Harold J. Ristigian to make alterations to exist bldg w/0' side yd & maintain small addn; at 3655 Columbia St; Condl. Res. 8689 1-5-55 Lots 2 & ll- Permit to L.B. Niles, Owner, & G. S. Jones, Lessee, to conduct small typewriter repair shop in garage por of bldg; no signs & no motors, at 3687 Columbia St; Condl. Res. 9220 10-14-55