Middletown Block 163
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 163.tif MIDDLETCMII BLOCK 163 Lot 4- conditional permit to Christine w. Campbell-Briggs to alter studio & storeroom at 3613 State St. into the 4th living unit with a 3 sideyd, no rear yd. for rear unit. Res. No. 623 6/8/44 Lot 6- permit to Christine W. Campbell-Briggs to ms.int 3 exist living units in one bl.dg at 36o3 State St. Res No. 3022 4/7/48------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 4- permit to C.llristine w. C&mpbell-Briggs to ms.int 4 exist living units at 3613-23 State Street, with 3' sideyd and no rear yd f'or rear unit. Res No. 3023 4/7/48 Lots 4,5,6, & 9 & Blk 162, Lots 7 & 8- Permit to Conner Dale Corp to (1) const 2 story 11 unit apt bldg on Lots 7 & 8, Blk 162 with 8 park spaces obs 0' from property line & por of spaces to obs from 12' to 20' from curb where such spaces are req to be 18' from face of curb or no less than 3 1 from front property line; (2) to constr 16 unit, 2 story apt complex on Lots 4,5,6, & 9 Blk 163- (a) where 10 park spaces will obs 0' from front property line where parking spaces are req to be 18 1 from face of curb & no less than 3' from front property line; (b) one apt bldg to obs 10' front yd on Linwood St. where 15' is req on the SE cor of Walnut St. & State St., Zone R-4, condl C-9744 4-15-70 Lots I and 2- Permit to Parliament Builders for Darwin Kyle Davis to convert garage to Rec. Rm. and to provide park. on rear lot with access through easement across both lots and to provide 17' aisle turnaround where 21' is req. at 3629 State St. Zoned R-3,----------------------------------------------------------~:~:~~!____________!:~~:!~------ ........-.......