Middletown Block 150 Card 2
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 150 CARD 2.tif CARD #2 I < MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 150;/ L. ot 7- Permit to Vito & Lucia Lograsso to erect approx 110' of concrete block retaining wall ranging in neigl:lt from 4" to 5', obs 0' front yard, where max 3' hign wall is perm at 3404 Kite Street (noted as Horton St on map). Zone R-1-5, C-10400 N.H. 3-19-71--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.; Lot 6- Permit to Josepn Scafidi to constr 274 sq. ft. patio addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to result in 44~ lot coverage wnere 4~ is perm, at 1350 W. Upas St betw Union St and Horton Ave., Zone R-1-5, C-11595 N.H. 10-1772 ~ L-;;t--5-----P;r;i-t--t-o--F;;n_k_&_R;;;J-y-n--Lo_c_o""c-;;-t-;-c-;;s-t--s-i_n__ f_a_;-d;;l-l-;1-t-h--g-a-r-~-b~-o-,--f-r~-n-t_y_d___ where 15' req, on Union St betw Upas & Walnut, Zone R-1-5.-~-~---4- /-.;;-71?~-.;i,v. 77) C-13423 /14 b (IJ"r 1-2-76-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/t Lot 6- Permit to Joseph & Rosa SCAFIDI to construct single family dwel 1 ing: (I) observing a 16 1 setback on Union Street where 20' is established; (2) retaining wal Is ranging in height from 7' to JO', observing at closest point a 0' front yard on Upas Street where maximum 3' high wall is permitted in required 15' front yard; (3) walls ranging in height from 4 1 to 10.67' (revised plan dated 8/12/80), observing 3' interior side yard and I' rear yard where maximum 6 1 and 10 1 walls are permitted, adjacent to 1350 West Upas Street, Zone R-1-5. APPROVED. (I); DENY (2); DENY (3). Conditions. Decision by AZA. C-16817 NH 8-26-80