Middletown Addn. Block 88 Card 2
MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 88 CARD 2.tif.,.,:.~-::~-:.~- ~IDDLETOWN ADDITION BLOCK 88 Card# 2 ~- Lots 20 & 21- Permit to R. E. Maurer to constr single fam res w/10 1 SB, So side of.,/ Pringle St near Andrews; Zone R-l. Res. 7820. 10-14-53 V------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 13 & l4 & Portions of Lots 1~2,3, and 4- Permit to Dale St. Pennis to const (1) a 3-story sin fam dweJJ obs a 3' st sldeyd on Pringle St where/0 1 Is reqd and (2) to const a det,arage and pkg,,,~c:f(to observe a O' frontyd on PrlnSjle St-nd N.E. corner of Pringle ~~~~~~:-~~~=~j~~~~~to_~ll~S(o)____________ ~:~~~~~----------~::~:::_____, Lots 17, 18,&19- Permit to Albert A. and Anna Belle C. GABBS was APPROVED for construction of two-story garage, laundry and guest room addition to existing single- family dwelling which observes a I' front yard; addition to also observe I' front yard, at 3953 Pringle Street, Zone R~l-5. Conditions. Case #16249 9-11-79 Lot 22- Permit to Mrs. M. L. Tomas was considered by ZA of request to construct a single-family dwelling, and (1) APPROVED construction to result in a building height of 36 1 where 30' is the maximum permitted; (2) APPROVED a floor area ratio of.66 where.6 FAR is the maximum permitted; (3) APPROVED a 0' front yard where 15' is required; and (4) DENIED as requested, but APPROVED 4 1 interior side yard at the northerly interior side yard at the garage and southerly interior side yard at the deck where a 4 1 interior side yard is required for any structure over 3' in elevation, at 3900 Block Pringle Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C=16880 8-19-80