Middletown Addn. Block 67
MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 67.tif MIDDLETOWN ADDITION BLOCK 67 Lot 18 & 9 exc Ely 6 1 & 10 of Blk 5, Marine View 715 sq ft garage w/7' rear yd; 1437 Torrence St.-- Pennit to Samuel M. McNaul to constr Res. 6o27 11-28-51 SW 51.15' Lots 6, 7, 8 & Por 9- Pennit to Mary Ethel Trail to constr single fam res on parcel of land w/10' rear yd (and S 78 1 Lot 11, Blk 5, Marine View); 1400 Blk Puterbaugh. Res. 66o6 7-9-52----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SW 51.15' Lots 6- 8, Por 9 (ABOVE)- Single fam res w/12' SB; Mary Ethel Trail (and S 78' Lot 11, Blk 5, Marine View) Rea. 66o7 7-9-52 Lot 18- & Lots 9 & 10 exc Ely 6 1- Permit to Samuel M. & Orsina McNaul to constr 8 1 x 19' addn to exist gar; S side Torrence St betw Kite & Freemont. Res. 7091 1-7-53----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 13 exc NW 7' & all Lots 14-- 17- Permit to Arthur Burgess to maintain exist single faro res. S-209 4-2-54- Lots 6 to 9 & 18- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Clifford F. Storey to convert exist over-sized garage which obs 7' rear yd perm by Var. Res. 6o27 to rumpus rm & bath w/no kitchen facilities; rumpus rm also to obs 7' rear yd where 25' rear yd is req; on Por Lots 6 to 9 & 18, Blk 67, Middletown Addn, & Por Lots 9 & 11 & All Lot 10, Blk 5, Marine View; 14-37 Torrence St, Zone R-1; Condl. Case 524o 10-11-62