Middletown Addn. Block 63
MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 63.tif MIDDLETOWN ADDITION Lot 18- Permit DENIED to Homer Delawie, Purchaser, & Tom Scripps, Owner, to constr res w/3' side yd where 4 1 is req; 1773 Torrence. Case 1455 10-11-57- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 18- Permit to Homer Delawie to constr res & gar covering lot 44% (4o% perm); 1773 Torrence, Zone R-1. Case 1730 3-6-58----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 14- Agreement 1224- Marie Brummer- Bar sink; 1791 Torrence. 1-21-63-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IDt 18-.Agreenent with David and Francine Migdal to construct an addition to an existing single-family d.1.-.elling; second floor addition to consist of master bedroom, full bath, and bar sink with interior access at 1773 Torrance Street, zoned Rl-5000 Agree #4742 8/31/90