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Development Services

Middletown Addn. Block 60

MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 60.tif MIDDLETOWN ADDITION BLOCK 6o Por Lots 21 3, 4, 5 & 6- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Chas. M. of exist single faro res which obs 21 18 11 rear yd where 25' exterior of bldg; 4001 Henry St, Zone R-1. 43. Newian, Jr. to remodel interior reQ; remodelling not altering Case 5530 3-1-63 Lot II, Blk 60- ZA considered request of GRACE SAVIOR & SUSANNA A. CARINl;owners- to constr. addn. to & convert two existing single-car garages to the existing nonconforming dwelling unit located above the garages to 1) observe a 2 13" rear yard where 15' is reqd. 2).provide one, 8 1 611 x 35' tandem parking space where one standard 8'6" x 20' & one compact 7'6'' x 15' are required at 2252, 2254 & 2256 Union St. has DENIED as request but APPROVED the entry addition to ol:serve a 3 1 interior side yard where 4' is reqd, subj. to cond., zone R-600. C-18391 4/20/84 Lots 9, 21 and 22 to required off-street parking for two single family residences on Lots 8, 20 and 28, where direct access to off-street parking on the same lot is required- Lots 7-12 and 20-24 and portion of Lot 6, variance was denied by ZA; DANIELSON TRUST COMPANY, OWNERS: WINTERCREST/ DAVID J. SNODGRASS, PURCHASERS sought to provide access at the northeast corner of Alameda Terrace and Clark Street, Rl-5000 Zone C-21431 1-15-97----------------------------------------------------------------------------