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Development Services

Middletown Addn. Block 35

MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 35.tif_..~-' ' MIDDLETOWN ADDITION BLOCK 35 ~&-S- 2-., Nely 56 1 Lots 21 to 24- Permit to Marie Hildreth Steelquist to convert exist garage into maid's quarters & maintain exist 3' side yd & 7' rear yd; 388o Henry St.. Res. 3573 12-1-48------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEly 56' Lots 21 thru 25- Permit to Lionel U. & Margaret M. Ridout to constr 5' redwd fence observ 2' setback on Guy St (average of blk 15'9" req) & max 3' hi fence perm; 388o Henry St; Zone R-1. Case 3331 4-22-6o Lots 17, 18, 19 & 20- Jonathan & Donna Jean Lippitt to constr swimming pool & accessory struc & improvements related thereto on Lots 19 & 20; 1975 Guy St, Zone R-1-5. Agreement 1547 7-2-68-------------.----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 6- Classification of Use- Silver and Gold plating establishment for Mr. Roy E. Watkins. Res.#175557 5-7-63 ------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------ Lots 21-4- ZA DENIED (Item 1) but APPROVED with conditions (Item 2) of the variance sought by DAVID REED ZIMPFER to remodel and enlarge an existing second story and add a third stroy to a nonconforming single family dwelling, located at 3868 Henry Street, Rl-5000 zone, Airport Approach Overlay Zone. C-20095 11-04-88 Lot 5 & 6- Agreement with Cathleen and Ray Adler to construct an addition to an existing single family dwelling unit. Addition contains a bedroom and full bath with interior access from the dining room/hallway and exterior access to the rear yard, located at 1980 Linwood St, Zone Rl-5000 AGREEMENT# 4337 7-12-89