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Development Services

Middletown Addn. Block 22

MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 22.tif f'..-~:., '. '., " ,.-~' .., - "- alDDLETOWN ADDITION Block 22 Lots 13, 14, 15- Perm! t to A. P. Mart In to erect new gar & hobby shop, 18' x 40' obs no rear & no sldeyd on southeast side, 3651 Pringle St, Res 1976 1/3/47 Lots 16 and 17- Permit to Marian Nelson to construct addapjes on lot with exist sin fam dwelling and to provide 130 sq. ft. of ludscaping in front yd where a minimum of 4 sq. ft. of landscaping per lineal foot of street front- a&e (200 sq. ft.) is req, at 1781 Linwood Street between Pringle Street and Keating Street, Zone R-4. ~ C-12,482 3-20-74