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Middletown Addn. Block 21

MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 21.tif MIDDLETOWN ADDITION B 1 ock 21 Lots. lJ, 14.- M. E. Haulman tc er.eet priva.te gar not clcser than l' from prop line on 11 /4/36 Linwood St Res 65105 Lot 3- Frank K. Doran- setback suspension Res 40714 Lot 4. &- N of Lot 5- Union Title Ins &- Trust; Otis Parks lot line at 1734 Titus St Res 1906 SAAE ABOVE- to constr 3-unlt dwell w/6 1 court obstructed Res 1916 2/21/27- to constr 8 1 retain wall on 11 /21 /46 by 4 1 porch full Jen~~ of bldg 12/5/46 Lot 3- Permit to Peter and Lee Borton to maintain 120' of wood fence ranging in beigbt from 7' to 8' obs a O' interior eideyd and a O' rear yd, vb.ere a max 6' ni fence ie perm in a 3' interior aideyd and a 10' rear yd; at l 7IIO 'Titus St betw Keating and Washington St. Zone R-4 C-10934 B.H. 12-1-71--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------