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Middletown Addn. Block 20

MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 20.tif s,._.,'f'.,,,,,,., ": ' :,.,,,,. ~ MIDDLITOWN ADDITION Block 20 Lots 11 1 12- 0. D. Ginther- setback suspension Res 45706 Lot 7, 8- Mary Stanton- res I de nee wl th 15' setback on Co 1 1.111b I a St. Res 66001 Lots 21, 22- James E. & Ruth A. Coad to constr 20' of concr retain wal 1 8 1 In fence on top, 4 1 hi I making 12' hi 1 1661 Linwood St, Res 5509 5/21/28 5/25/37 ht w/open 5/2/51