Metropolitan Industrial Park #2
METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIAL PARK #2.tif,/METROPOLITAN INDU IAL PARK #20)(. 4\ Lot 13- Permit to A E P rties, Inc. to canst two commercial/industrial bldgs to obs a I' interior side yard. 46 Cardin Street. Zone M-18. C-14986. 4-4-78.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Par 1- SCA has DENIED the request of K.B.C., SAN DIEGO NO. TWO- to construct a 4'5" high by 15 1 0" long ground sign observing a 5'-0" front yard where a 25 1-0" front yard is required, at 7243 Engineer Road, Parcel Map 6169,MlB zone. C-19451 1/16/87