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Development Services

Mesa Woods Subd. (T.M 76-198) Card 2

MESA WOODS SUBD. (T.M 76-198) CARD 2.tif 0O1"";g-oo s 2, z.-n2.CJ 2s MESA WOODS SUBDIVISION (T.H. 76-198) Lot 25- Permit to William & Patricia Griffin to erect approx 60 1 of 6 1 side yd at closest pt on Hillery Dr, at 10606 Marbury Ave., Zone R-1-5, c-15925 hi fence obs O' str Condit. 3/26/79 Lot 12- Billey E.-& Shaunte S.-Davls at 1!976 Hillery Dr.,-Zone R-1-5,--to erect approx-- 160' of 6 1 high fence obs 0 1 front yard where 3' high Is permitted in reqd 15' front yard. Condit. C-16099 6/14/79 Lot 39- Permit to A.H. Navarro at 10746 Marbury Ave., Zone R-1-5, to maintain 3' high wall with 61 high posts, and erect 3 1 high wrought Iron fence between posts for a max of 6 1 high, obs 0 1 front yard in reqd 15 1 front yd. Condit. C-16122 6/18/79------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 40- Permit to J.C. Cruz at 10756 Marbury Ave., Zone R-1-5, to erect approx 40' of 2' high wrought Iron fence on top of exist 3' high freestanding block wall, resulting In ht of 5', obs 01 front yard. Condit. C-16234 7/31/79 Lot 86- AGREEMENT to MOHAMMED H. AND MUNIRA USMAN to construct master bedroom with full bath, bar sink and outside access as second story addition to existing single-family dwelling, located at 9016 Hillery Drive, zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #3340 7-29-85