Medina Terrace Block 5
MEDINA TERRACE BLOCK 5.tif BLOCK 5 Lot 16- Permit to Leonard J. & E. Louise Osbrink to erect 5 1 fence in SB area alg Tarento Dr., 2' back from fr prop line, 3876 Talbot St. Case#-'286 11-21-55 Lot 15- Cond'l permit to Herbert P. & Elizabeth Fifield to canst 5' high fence in SB area alg Tarento Dr., where 3' is permitted, at 4171 Hill St. Case#748 9-7-56 Lot 25- Permit to Robt. E. & Dorotby L, Dees to const approx 427 sq ft of bedrm & fam rm addn to exist sin fam dwell on lot; por of addn to obs 3' side yd where 4' is req at 3812 Talbot St. betw Catalina Blvd. & Tarento Dr., Zone R-1-5, c-9874 5-20-70--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 22 Map 2681 AGREEMENT with Maxine Rhoades to construct a two-story addition to an existing, one-story, single-family dwelling; saicl addition to include a second story master bedroom, full bath and bar existing first-story hallway and living room, at 3834 Talbot Street, Zone Rl-5000 Agreement# A-5052 7-10-91