Medallion Terrace #1a Card 1
MEDALLION TERRACE #1A CARD 1.tif MEDALLION TERRACE_- 1A.... ~D,D-- CARD # l ~ Lots 2 3 4 5- Permit to Medallion Homes,---fnC:touse-- on eaon:-.-----rotror' moa:el homes wtth one 2x-}" mod&l id&ntl.fying.-.aign m1 e..aoh.lot..;&.------Uae--.garaga.on_Lot 3 for tr_i;ot se,Jes of'f' ~it;11 C)~i'3_}_1_x 2'__ 9-a~~s inform sign; & erect twenty 31 x 5, real estate flags mounted on 20' poles;-slgfi-&-ns:g---___ poTes to obs 3' SB on Norzel Dr, for 1.,r to &Kpira 6-20-62,..a.. i-- N... R...___ ~- ----------___... -......................... case 4171 .. 6-20-61 i/----------- ~-----.;__;;;;-_-------...----------------------------------------------- Lot 34, Permit to Medallion Homes, Inc to erect- & maintain one 8 1 x 16 1,unlited____p.Qs.t mounte9., temporary sign on lot; to advertise homes in Fireside Park So Clairemont, on NOrzel Dr NEly cor Via Bello, R-1, for 1 yr to expire 6~20~62~--- N ~H~ Case 4172 6-20-61 v-------------------- ~-------- Lots 2,3,4 & 5- Permit to Medallion - to 6-2062, one 2 1x 3' model___ ~e,le_s ir_iform::iign on Lot 3; one 8 1 x 3'x 51 real estate flags mounted on---fl-2-t-BB req}H--1- N.H.. HO'lles,inc~ to erect & maintain for 1 yr, identifying sign on each lot-; one 3 1 x 5 1 16 1 tract identify sign on Lot 3l+; & 20 20 1 poles, all tp obs 3 1 SB on Norzel Dr. Case!t-173 6-20-el-----v- -tots 13-14- Permit to adjust lot lines betw lots, a distance of approx 71 on Norzel Dr. varying to 0 1 approx 54, from frnt p.l., resulting 1n 54.8Lj. 1 street frontage Ofi Lot 13 & 46 1 fror,tage on Lot 14,, at 31$6 & 3146 Norzel Dr., Zone R-1.-------------------- ~e '-f'o.3-----------------------------------------------------------