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Development Services

Meadowbrook Map 6626

MEADOWBROOK MAP 6626.tif MEADOWBROOK Map 6626 Lots 101-103- Pennit to Guy Hatfield Homes to maint tem sales office in converted gar on Lot 101; to erect & tor a period ot 2 yref one dble-taced, post mounted, 8' x 20' x 16' hi ID sign on Lot 1Q2, obs 0' front yd where 15' is req & 2' interior side yd where 4' is req; sign to identify new subdivision with 3 model bn Lots 101-103 where such uses are perm no closer than 200' from an occupied dwelling unit in another subd & max sign ht perm is 12' on Lausanne Dr N1.y of Le Conte St, Zone R-1-5, condl,3/A=~ /; * tf-.2. 7: 71 ("..s.;i!- 7 I) (lo-,9. /- 71-_ 'n,q Bcl:J_ C-99l3_ NB_____ 5-27-70__________ Lot 101- AGREEMENT to Guy Hatfield Homes;to maint temporary sales office in converted garage on Lausanne Dr., Nl.y of Le Conte St., Zone R-1-5. AC-6 5-28-70 Lot 78- AGREEMENT TO Lester & Doris Washington to add bar sink in family room, at 333 Lausanne Drive, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2491 9-11-79 Lot 14- AGREEMENT with Christopher Lumpkin to construct a one-story, 15'-0'' by 22'-0" family room addition with outside stairs leading to a new roof deck with both interior access via a hallway exterior access via a door to the side yard to be attached to the existing one-story residence, located at 7745 Borego Street, Rl-5000 zone. A-4614 05/09/90