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Development Services

Mcmillin Scripps Two #6 Card 3

MCMILLIN SCRIPPS TWO #6 CARD 3.tif McMILLIN SCRIPPS TWO UNIT #6 LOT 403- ZA DENIED reqst. of ALEXANDER ANDREKSON, TRUSTEE to constr. a lighted tennis court on a lot with a proposed SFD, where lighting for a tennis court requires a CUP and to constr. a 12' high fabric-covered court fence above a 3' high open fence above a max. 6' high retaining wall is permitted within the 5' deep reqd. rear yd. located at 11470 Forestview Lane Zone Rl-6000. C-18667 12/21/84 APPEALED TO BZA- BZA SUSTAINED and AFFIRMED decision of ZA on 12/5/84 Lot 422- ZA DENIED request of THOMAS & ELLEN ADAMSON to maintain a solid fence approx. 92' in length within the reqd. 15' front yd observing at closest point a 10' front yd; 6 1 of wall erected along north side yd property 1 ine where a max. 3' fence is permitted within the 15' front yd. at 11225 Lake Rim Rd,, Zone Rl-6000. C-18838 7/29/85 Lots 298 & 299- Permit to Donald J. Hughes to (1) construct a two-story, guest quarters on a lot with an existing two-story residence; (2) said guest quarters to observe a 0'-0'' west side yard at the closest point; (3) to maintain 28'-0" of 5'-9'' high wrought iron fence observing a 9'-5" front yard at the closest point;(4) two driveways 24'-0" between, at 11720 Birch Glen Court, Rl-6000 zone Map 9749, is denied for items 2 & 4 but approved for items 1 & 3 with conditions. Case# C-19972 06-24-88--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------