Marston Hills Card 5
MARSTON HILLS CARD 5.tif MA~STON HILLS CARD NO. I 5,, ZA CONSIDERED the request of MARGARET & DANIEL MAZZELLA to constr. a 3-story, single-family dwelling observing a 42' height where a maximum 30 1 is permitted at the 1200 block of Myrtle Avenue, Zone Rl-5000 & has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED maximum 34 1611 in height, subj to conds. C-19262 7/18/86 Lot 21- CASE TABLED- Item was heard on Sept. 8, 1989 and continued until Oct. 6, 1989. During the continuance, the applicant's architect submitted a letter withdrawing the application, located at 1288 Myrtle Ave., Rl-5000 zone. c-20293 10-11-89 Portion Lot 21- Agreement with Richard Maudsley to modify/remodel existing single-family dwelling. Lower level consisting of a lavatory, with an additional 3/4-bath, and walkin closet, separate tub and lavatory, with an additional 3/4-bath and walkin storage area. Interior access provided by stairway to existing upper level with integration provided by maximum 42'' high interior wall into breakfast nook/kitchen. Exterior access to rear yard thru door via hallway, located at 1288 Myrtle Avenue, Rl-5000 zoned. A-4634 5/31/90