Marston Hills Card 4
MARSTON HILLS CARD 4.tif MARSTON HILLS f1qc)-~ Card No . 4 {~ Lot 26 (Parcel 2, R.O.s. 6311)- Case No. 7890 (See Card 2) appealed by Dorothy C. Martell and the appeal is denied and the decision of the Z.A. is sustained and affirmed with the exception that a fence shall be allowed along the east side prop line, starting at a height of 61 behind the front SB line; said fence not to exceed a height of 8 1 611 at the lowest poin of the lot and to step down according to the slope of the terrain, Cond'l. Case No. 7890 11-15-66 Lots 1,2,8 & 9- Permit DENIED to E. F, Weerts to constr and operate a plann;s resident1&: development for 80 residential units on a site of approx 5,3 acres located on tbe east side of Higtivay 163 betw Pennsylvania Ave and ~rtle Ave. Zone R-1-5. PRO 1J,J4 l-5-72 Lot 54 (Por) and Por Lot 55- Permit to David L. & Sandra Braff to const an ll'611x6 1 addn to a nonconf sfd obs a 3' sd yd at 1239 Myrtle Avenue. Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-14657 No Hearing. 9-7-77,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lots 8 & 9- Permit to Irving Hosenpud at 1016 Cypress Way, Zone R-1-5 DENIED to constr guest house over a detached garage on lot with exist SFD (guest house to obs at clst pt O' Int side yd). CUP 16168 8/17/79------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------