Marilou Park Block 14
MARILOU PARK BLOCK 14.tif MAM:LOUPARK BLOCK 14 E of Lot 2 & all of 3- Clifford & Ruth Mekeel to maint sin fam res & permission to constr 2nd sin fam res, 4015 Broadway. S-117 10-1-52 Ilot 1 & w of 2- Esther w. & Percy R, Cheney to maint sin fam res & permit constr of 2nd sin fam res. s-116 10-1-52 Lot 20- Permit to Grace Hawkesworth to erect 59' of 8 1 hi. retaJ.Rllwall with 4' hi, chain link fence on top tnereof, obs. O' front yd where max. 3~ls perm. in req. 15' front yd, at 4o48 Hilltop Dr. betw. 4otn St. & 41st St., Zone R-2. C-10694 N.H. 8-6-n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------