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Development Services

Mannasse & Schiller Block 96

MANNASSE & SCHILLER BLOCK 96.tif '-- MAWSSE & SCBlLLER BLOCK 96 I Lots 1-48- Permit to S.D.G. & E. to bld 1600 lin ft of 8 1 cnain link ind. fencing at Main, Dewey, Newton & Evans Sts. Res. 5286 1-24-51--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I.ots 1-48- Permission is granted to ONner/Permittee to construct a 144-unit multi-family residential develoi;m:mt with a ccmnunity rnaeting roan, day care facility, and an extension to Chicano Park on a 5.62 acre site, located on the block bound by Newton Avenue, Main St. Evans St and De.-vey St, Redeveloi;m:mt Subdistrict" No zo:!'le on permit. Barrio Logan/Coastal Dev 92-0490 3/23/93